

* Search condition: Title, description or date(d.m.yyyy)

Date Title Description
7.3.2012. Removal securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on March, 07, 2012, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol UENKRK3, ISIN number: BAUENKRK3001, issuer ENERGETIKA DD KONJIC ,quantity 444.306, nominal share value 10,50 BAM.
    28.2.2012. Registration (Removal) securities in (from) RVP system This is to inform you that, on February, 28, 2012, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol UNIMG, ISIN number: BAUNIMG00007, issuer UNIONMONTAŽA DD SARAJEVO ,quantity 18.149, nominal share value 12,20 BAM.

  • entered new securities :

  • Symbol UNIMRK1, ISIN number: BAUNIMRK1009, issuer UNIONMONTAŽA DD SARAJEVO ,quantity 18.149, nominal share value 12,20 BAM.
    14.2.2012. Registration (Removal) securities in (from) RVP system This is to inform you that, on February, 14, 2012, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol PPMTRK2, ISIN number: BAPPMTRK2009, issuer PRERADA I PROMET MLIJEKA DD TUZLA ,quantity 261.974, nominal share value 52,00 BAM.

  • entered new securities :

  • Symbol PPMTRK2, ISIN number: BAPPMTRK2009, issuer PRERADA I PROMET MLIJEKA DD TUZLA ,quantity 261.974, nominal share value 11,50 BAM.
    13.2.2012. Registration (Removal) securities in (from) RVP system This is to inform you that, on February, 13, 2012, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol RMUKR, ISIN number: BARMUKR00001, issuer RMU KAMENGRAD DD SANSKI MOST ,quantity 265.635, nominal share value 100,00 BAM.

  • entered new securities :

  • Symbol RMUKR, ISIN number: BARMUKR00001, issuer RMU KAMENGRAD DD SANSKI MOST ,quantity 265.635, nominal share value 89,00 BAM.
    9.2.2012. Registration (Removal) securities in (from) RVP system This is to inform you that, on February, 09, 2012, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol MEISR, ISIN number: BAMEISR00007, issuer MAGROS EXPORT-IMPORT DD SARAJEVO ,quantity 8.836, nominal share value 100,00 BAM.

  • entered new securities :

  • Symbol MGVSR, ISIN number: BAMGVSR00005, issuer MAGROS VELETRGOVINA DD SARAJEVO ,quantity 8.836, nominal share value 100,00 BAM.
    3.2.2012. Removal securities from RVP system and the suspension of trading of the securities This is to inform you that, on February 03, 2012, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol BSTZR, ISIN number: BABSTZR00002, issuer BISTRICA DD ŽEPČE U STEČAJU ,quantity 144.205, nominal share value 10,00BAM.

  • the suspension of trading of the securities with the:

  • Symbol MEISR, ISIN number: BAMEISR00007, issuer MAGROS EXPORT-IMPORT DD SARAJEVO ,quantity 8.836, nominal share value 100,00BAM.
    2.2.2012. The suspension of trading of the securities This is to inform you that, on February 02, 2012, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • the suspension of trading of the securities with the:

  • Symbol BSTZR, ISIN number: BABSTZR00002, issuer BISTRICA DD ŽEPČE U STEČAJU ,quantity 144.205, nominal share value 10,00BAM.
    26.1.2012. Removal securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on January, 26, 2012, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol UNKRRK3, ISIN number: BAUNKRRK3006, issuer UNIONKOMERC DD SARAJEVO ,quantity 934.336, nominal share value 11,40 BAM.
    11.1.2011. Registration (Removal) securities in (from) RVP system This is to inform you that, on January, 11, 2011, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol MLHRG, ISIN number: BAMLHRG00009, issuer MLIN I PEKARA D.D. LJUBAČE-TUZLA ,quantity 53.501, nominal share value 28,80 BAM.

  • entered new securities :

  • Symbol MLHRRK3, ISIN number: BAMLHRRK3003, issuer MLIN I PEKARA D.D. LJUBAČE-TUZLA ,quantity 53.501, nominal share value 28,80 BAM.
    6.1.2012. Removal securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on January, 06, 2012, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol GRADR, ISIN number: BAGRADR00000, issuer GRAĐEVINARSTVO D.D. JABLANICA ,quantity 55.517, nominal share value 12,50 BAM.
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