

* Search condition: Title, description or date(d.m.yyyy)

Date Title Description
14.3.2023. Removal securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on March 14, 2023, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol VFARR, ISIN number: BAVFARR00004, issuerVELEFARMACIJA DD SARAJEVO, quantity 567915, nominal share value 12,5 BAM.

    Symbol UNKLRK3, ISIN number: BAUNKLRK3002, issuer UNIKLIMA D.D. SARAJEVO u likvidaciji ,quantity 110071, nominal share value 27 BAM.

    Symbol RKTZR, ISIN number: BARKTZR00005, issuer ROBNA KUĆA TUZLANKA DD TUZLA, quantity 169734, nominal share value 100 BAM.

    10.3.2023. Suspension securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on March 10, 2023 the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • suspension securities:

  • VFARR ISIN number: BAVFARR00004, issuer VELEFARMACIJA DD SARAJEVO, quantity 567915, nominal share value 12,5 BAM.

    UNKLRK3 ISIN number: BAUNKLRK3002, issuer UNIKLIMA D.D. SARAJEVO u likvidaciji, quantity 110071, nominal share value 27 BAM.

    RKTZR ISIN number: BARKTZR00005, issuer ROBNA KUĆA TUZLANKA DD TUZLA, quantity 169734, nominal share value 100 BAM.

    21.2.2023. Suspension securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on February 21, 2023, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • suspension securities:

  • Symbol PREHRK5, ISIN number: BAPREHRK5004, issuer PREHRANA-PROMET DD TUZLA, quantity 548818, nominal value 6,9 BAM.
    17.2.2023. Removal securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on February 17, 2023, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol ARASR, ISIN number: BAARASR00001, issuerAIRABA DD SARAJEVO u stečaju, quantity 590845, nominal share value 10 BAM.

    Symbol DITARK3, ISIN number: BADITARK3004, issuer DITA D.D. TUZLA u stečaju ,quantity 305486, nominal share value 10,5 BAM.

    Symbol ULTSR, ISIN number: BAULTSR00002, issuer UNIS-LASTA D.D. SARAJEVO u likvidaciji, quantity 225500, nominal share value 20 BAM.

    16.2.2023. Suspension securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on February 16,2023 the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • suspension securities:

  • ARASR ISIN number: BAARASR00001, issuer AIRABA DD SARAJEVO u stečaju, quantity 590845, nominal share value 10 BAM.

    DITARK3 ISIN number: BADITARK3004, issuer DITA D.D. TUZLA u stečaju, quantity 305486, nominal share value 10,5 BAM.

    ULTSR ISIN number: BAULTSR00002, issuer UNIS-LASTA D.D. SARAJEVO u likvidaciji, quantity 225500, nominal share value 20 BAM.

    16.2.2023. Registration (Removal) securities in (from) RVP system This is to inform you that, on February 16, 2023, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol MGVSH, ISIN number: BAMGVSH00006, issuer MAGROS VELETRGOVINA DD SARAJEVO, quantity 1126973, nominal share value 100 BAM.

  • entered new securities into the Registry registration system:

  • Symbol MGVSR ISIN number: BAMGVSR00005, issuer MAGROS VELETRGOVINA DD SARAJEVO, quantity 1126973, nominal share value 100 BAM.

    16.1.2023. Removal securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on January 16, 2023, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol UHDTRK2, ISIN number: BAUHDTRK2003, issuer UNIONINVEST HIDROTEHNIKA D.D. SARAJEVO , quantity 48751, nominal share value 14 BAM.

    13.1.2023. Removal securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on January 13, 2023, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol RKBLR , ISIN number: BARKBLR00003, issuer RK BULEVAR DD TUZLA u stečaju ,quantity 317881, nominal share value 10 BAM.

    Symbol GATPRK2 , ISIN number: BAGATPRK2004, issuer TP GATAČKO POLJE DD u stečaju ,quantity 22877, nominal share value 18 BAM.

    Symbol ELIRRK3, ISIN number: BAELIRRK3002, issuer NIKOLA TESLA D.D. TUZLA u stečaju ,quantity 73992, nominal share value 42 BAM.

    13.1.2023. Suspension securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on January 12,2023 the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • suspension securities:

  • RKBLR, ISIN number: BARKBLR00003, issuer RK BULEVAR DD TUZLA u stečaju , quantity 317881, nominal share value 10 BAM.

    UHDTRK2, ISIN number: BAUHDTRK2003, issuer UNIONINVEST HIDROTEHNIKA D.D. SARAJEVO , quantity 48751, nominal share value 14 BAM.

    GATPRK2, ISIN number: BAGATPRK2004, issuer TP GATAČKO POLJE DD u stečaju , quantity 22877, nominal share value 18 BAM.

    ELIRRK3, ISIN number: BAELIRRK3002, issuer ELIR - NIKOLA TESLA D.D. TUZLA u stečaju , quantity 73992, nominal share value 42 BAM.

    6.1.2023. Removal securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on January 5, 2023, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol AMOSR, ISIN number: BAAMOSR00003, issuer AMOS DD TUZLA u stečaju, quantity 29911, nominal share value 85 BAM.

    Symbol SDHTRK1, ISIN number: BASDHTRK1009, issuer SODASO-HOLDING DD TUZLA U STEČAJU , quantity 200646, nominal share value 44 BAM.

    Symbol TKBBRK1, ISIN number: BATKBBRK1005, issuer TVORNICA KONFEKCIJE BORAC DD BANOVIĆI , quantity 119290, nominal share value 13,1 BAM.

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