

* Search condition: Title, description or date(d.m.yyyy)

Date Title Description
25.1.2024. Removal securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on January 25, 2024, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • BRTSRK1, ISIN number: BABRTSRK1009, issuer BRATSTVO DD GORNJI VAKUF ,quantity 20781, nominal share value 41,12 BAM.
    25.10.2010. Registration (Removal) securities in (from) RVP system This is to inform you that, on october 25, 2010, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol UNIMRK1, ISIN number: BAUNIMRK1009, issuer UNIONMONTAŽA DD SARAJEVO ,quantity 54.448, nominal share value 25,00BAM.

  • entered new securities into the Registry registration system:

  • Symbol UNIMRK1, ISIN number: BAUNIMRK1009, issuer UNIONMONTAŽA DD SARAJEVO ,quantity 54.448, nominal share value 12,20BAM.
    25.10.2013. Registration bonds of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in RVP system This is to inform you that, on October 25,2013, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:

    entered new bonds of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina into the Registry registration system - the fifth issue:

  • Symbol FBIHK6A ISIN number: BAFBIHK6A008, quantity 59.936, nominal bond value 1,00 BAM. issue date 31.07.2013. maturity date 30.06.2023. annual interest rate 2,5%.

  • Symbol FBIHK6B ISIN number: BAFBIHK6B006, quantity 59.995, nominal bond value 1,00 BAM. issue date 31.07.2013. maturity date 30.06.2024. annual interest rate 2,5%.

  • Symbol FBIHK6C ISIN number: BAFBIHK6C004, quantity 60.000, nominal bond value 1,00 BAM. issue date 31.07.2013. maturity date 30.06.2025. annual interest rate 2,5%.

  • Symbol FBIHK6D ISIN number: BAFBIHK6D002, quantity 59.998, nominal bond value 1,00 BAM. issue date 31.07.2013. maturity date 30.06.2026. annual interest rate 2,5%.

  • Symbol FBIHK6E ISIN number: BAFBIHK6E000, quantity 102.072, nominal bond value 1,00 BAM. issue date 31.07.2013. maturity date 30.06.2027. annual interest rate 2,5%.
  • 25.10.2016. Notification-Received Takeover of the Insurance Company- HEPOK DD MOSTAR We inform shareholders of the insurance company HEPOK DD MOSTAR, receiving the takeover bid by a legal person Društvo za ulaganje u poljoprivredu "Zeraa Agriculture Investment" d.o.o. Sarajevo.

    Notification (BH)
    25.10.2017. Notification-Takeover of the Insurance Company- STEP DD SARAJEVO We inform shareholders of the insurance company STEP DD SARAJEVO, receiving the takeover bid by a legal person BNT-TECH d.o.o. Sarajevo.

    Notification (BH)
    25.10.2019. Registration (Removal) securities in (from) RVP system This is to inform you that, on October 25, 2019, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol PROMRK1, ISIN number: BAPROMRK1004, issuer PROJEKTANT D.D. MOSTAR, quantity 38432, nominal share value 93 BAM.

  • entered new securities into the Registry registration system:

  • Symbol PROMRK1, ISIN number: BAPROMRK1004, issuer PROJEKTANT D.D. MOSTAR, quantity 38432, nominal share value 51 BAM.

    25.12.2014. Entering the suspension of trading of the securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on December, 25, 2014, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • Entering the suspension of trading of the securities:

  • Symbol PPMTRK2, ISIN number: BAPPMTRK2009, issuer PRERADA I PROMET MLIJEKA DD TUZLA ,quantity 261.974, nominal share value 11,50BAM.

    25.12.2014. Registration (Removal) securities in (from) RVP system This is to inform you that, on December 25,2014, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol MOKNH, ISIN number: BAMOKNH00004, issuer MODNA KONFEKCIJA DD SARAJEVO, quantity 18.349, nominal share value 10,90 BAM.

  • entered new securities into the Registry registration system:

  • Symbol MOKNRK2 ISIN number: BAMOKNRK2001, issuer MODNA KONFEKCIJA DD SARAJEVO, quantity 18.349, nominal share value 10,90 BAM.
    25.12.2015. Suspension securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on December 25, 2015, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • suspension securities:

  • Symbol RDDVR, ISIN number: BARDDVR00003, issuer RUDINA DD DONJI VAKUF ,quantity 32.426, nominal value 15,00 BAM.

    25.2.2013. Entering the suspension of trading of the bonds This is to inform you that, on February 25, 2012, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • entering the suspension of trading of the bonds with the:

    Symbol FBIHKT, ISIN number: BAFBIHKT0009.

    Symbol FBIHKU, ISIN number: BAFBIHKU0006.

    Symbol FBIHKV, ISIN number: BAFBIHKV0005.

    Symbol FBIHKZ, ISIN number: BAFBIHKZ0001.

    The suspension of trading is valid from Februry 26,2012 to February 28,2012.
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