

* Search condition: Title, description or date(d.m.yyyy)

Date Title Description
21.1.2013. Removal securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on January 21, 2013, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol OPCZKA , ISIN number: BAOPCZKA0007, issuer OPĆINA CAZIN ,quantity 1.000, nominal share value 100,00 BAM.

    21.1.2019. Notification to shareholders of the issuer DOBRINJA d.d. Sarajevo This is to inform all shareholders of the issuer DOBRINJA d.d. Sarajevo that the procedure of transfer of securities owned by small shareholders is getting started. For each share that is going to be transfered in this process, the offerer AMKO KOMERC d.o.o. Sarajevo has paid the ammount of 53,49 KM. Total amount, for the purpose of paying to shareholders, has paid to a dedicated account of Registry of Securities of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
    21.10.2010. Registration (Removal) securities in (from) RVP system This is to inform you that, on october 21, 2010, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol TZLBH, ISIN number: BATZLBH00008, issuer NLB TUZLANSKA BANKA DD TUZLA ,quantity 35.714, nominal share value 140,00BAM.
    Symbol TMPVG, ISIN number: BATMPVG00007, issuer TEMPO-VRANICA D.D. MOSTAR ,quantity 123.000, nominal share value 10,00BAM.

  • entered new securities into the Registry registration system:

  • Symbol TZLBRK2, ISIN number: BATZLBRK2004, issuer NLB TUZLANSKA BANKA DD TUZLA ,quantity 35.714, nominal share value 140,00BAM.
    Symbol TMPVRK1, ISIN number: BATMPVRK1003, issuer TEMPO-VRANICA D.D. MOSTAR ,quantity 123.000, nominal share value 10,00BAM.
    21.10.2015. Registration securities in RVP system This is to inform you that, on October 21, 2015, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • entered new bonds into the Registry registration system:

  • Symbol FBIHK14A, ISIN number: BAFBIHK14A04, issuer FEDERACIJA BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE-FEDERALNO MINISTARSTVO FINANCIJA , quantity 30.000 , nominal bond value 1.000,00 BAM, maturity date October 21, 2020, annual rate 3,05%.
    21.10.2015. Registration ocapital increase in RVP system This is to inform you that, on October 21, 2015, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • Registration ocapital increase:

  • Symbol CROSG, ISIN number: BACROSG00001, issuer CROATIA OSIGURANJE D.D. , quantity 30.076, nominal value 266,00 BAM,
    21.11.2016. Notification-Received Takeover of the Insurance Company- BUGOJNOPROMET DD BUGOJNO We inform shareholders of the insurance company BUGOJNOPROMET DD BUGOJNO , receiving the takeover bid by a legal person Farex d.o.o., Titova bb,74264 Jelah BiH.

    Notification (BH)
    21.11.2016. Registration securities in RVP system This is to inform you that, on November 21, 2016, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • entered new securities into the Registry registration system:

  • Symbol TRZBH, ISIN number: BATRZBH00005, issuer ZiraatBank BH d.d, quantity 4000 nominal share value 10000 BAM.

    21.11.2016. Notification-Received Takeover of the Insurance Company- FDS D.D. SARAJEVO We inform shareholders of the insurance company FDS D.D. SARAJEVO, receiving the takeover bid by a legal person CID Adriatic Investments GmbH.

    Notification (BH)
    21.11.2018. Registration (Removal) securities in (from) RVP system This is to inform you that, on November 21, 2018, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol VKFBN, ISIN number: BAVKFBN00006, issuer VAKUFSKA BANKA DD SARAJEVO ,quantity 160.000 , nominal share value 37,50 BAM.

  • entered new securities into the Registry registration system:

  • Symbol VKFBR, ISIN number: BAVKFBR00007, issuer VAKUFSKA BANKA DD SARAJEVO , quantity 160.000 ,nominal share value 37,50 BAM.

    21.12.2015. Suspension securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on December 21, 2015, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • suspension securities:

  • Symbol UGKNRK1, ISIN number: BAUGKNRK1003, issuer UGOSTITELJSTVO - KONJUH DD ŽIVINICE ,quantity 32.830, nominal value 84,50 BAM.

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