

* Search condition: Title, description or date(d.m.yyyy)

Date Title Description
9.9.2015. Registration treasury papers in RVP system This is to inform you that, on September 9, 2015, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • entered new securities:

  • Symbol FBIHT33, ISIN number: BAFBIHT33007, issuer FEDERACIJA BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE-FEDERALNO MINISTARSTVO FINANCIJA ,quantity 2.000, nominal treasury paper value 10.000,00 BAM, maturity June 8, 2015.
    9.9.2024. Registration of securities in RVP system This is to inform you that, on September 9, 2024, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • entered new securities into the Registry registration system:

  • Symbol UNIBG1, ISIN number: BAUNIBG10009, issuer UNION BANKA DD SARAJEVO, quantity 1500000, nominal value 20 BAM.
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